Sunday, October 01, 2006


I'm bored. I feel like doing something but yet too lazy to do it. I want to watch some anime, but yet I don't feel like watching it. The moon is round, today I only see it as half-round. My girlfriend is busy with her assignment so I can't bother her. I have lots of things to do, but I don't want to do it. I usually would make paragraphs in my post, but I feel lethargic and... basically feel... meh~. Even as I speak my hands are barely typing the keyboard. My mind wants to write a blog entry but my body seems to resist it - but it seems there is a purpose to this blog entry because my mind is able to overcome my general reluctance to do anything. In fact, I'm so tired right now that I am too lazy to go to bed! ahhhh... such is a life of full randomness... of drifting like a piece of wood along a quiet river. My mind yearns for profound thoughts, but again profundity is like an overrated porn movie that people watch because it is overrated. Not that I've seen an overrated porn movie. Now that was random. I guess I'm letting my hands express the random thoughts that pop into my head. I yawn, but with my tired blurry eyes I persist in typing random, but yet rational words and sentences. I look at my wooden frog that sits on top of my monitor and wonder why I bought it. My mind is blank - I'm tired. I don't make sense... why don't I sleep? Oh sleep would be good but for some reason I'm determined to make this a post that is a block of words and sentences. I must end this with something profound, like 'rain is rain, yet rain is not rain.' Or maybe 'rain is not rain, but rain is a shower of profundity'

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