Saturday, September 15, 2012

Mindless Sheep

Dusting this ole thing off from the virtual bookshelf.  Imagine a large cloud of dust and me in a coughing fit. That's how long I've neglected this blog.

Funnily enough, it seems blogging is of my generation or there-about. Now a days it's about social media and instant sharing. Facebook and Twitter are the norms, and probably on the way out. Email seems like outdated tech.

Speaking of outdated, I've decided to join the mindless sheepdom of Apple-fans. You see, I've always have my dino-phone, the R306:

It's decent, but not great. Reception is horrible. But at least it works. But then recently I believe it has been rejecting incoming calls. Frankly, I don't trust it. Or that is just my excuse.

So the iPhone5 debut itself, and after hemming and hawing, I was convinced to just get it by the wife. At the cost of a visit to a fabric sale which she spent about an hour inside.

I made the preorder yesterday. Already I feel hip. I think I just sold my soul.

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